FICIT s.r.l. is an ISO 9001-certified company committed for more than 25 years to the construction of technological industrial plants to satisfy every specific request.
FICIT strives to create a synergy between ENERGY and ECOLOGY by constructing plants that save energy while reducing impact on the environment.
Our industrial production plant in Cornedo Vicentino covers more than 1500 m² indoor, and houses large offices, a chemical research laboratory, as well as a workshop equipped with lifting devices and specific cutting-edge machinery for the design and construction of works to the highest standards
F.I.C.I.T. Srl
Via Nicolò Zamperetti 12 - Z.I.
36073 Cornedo Vicentino (VI)
P.I. e C.F. 02172910248
REA VI211827
Paid-Up Share Capital € 50.000,00
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